Design and calculations
There are main following activities of VCA: general analysis of strength and stiffness using finite elements method (FEM) with focusing on automotive structures.
VCA cooperates with a number of approval authorities (SGS TÜV Germany, TÜV SÜD Germany, TÜV SÜD CZ, DEKRA, Autókut …) and is able to offer complex support of development for our clients.
VCA offers following solutions for:
- problems of linear and nonlinear statics solved with FEM
- problems of nonlinear dynamics in range of elastic-plastic deformations (FEM)
- problems of nonlinear dynamics of rigid bodies (MBS)
- complex contact problems
- traffic accident analysis
- approval calculations according to EC and ECE Regulations, eg.
- rollover simulation according to ECE 66 and EC 2001/85
- rear underrun protection simulation according to ECE 58 and EC 2006/20
- seat and seat belt anchorage points testing according to ECE 14, ECE 17 and ECE 80
- CNG and LPG tank strength according to the ECE 110
- another calculation according to international Standards and Automotive Standards
- ambulance technic strength according to the DIN EN 1789 and DIN EN 1865
- strength of a racing car rollcage accorging to the FIA Regulations
- fatigue analyses of mechanical parts and structures
- polycriterial optimization of mechanical structures
- another technical calculations and their programming
- creating FE meshes and models for demanding clients (eg. ŠKODA AUTO a.s.)
VCA provides independently or in cooperation with business partners many other services:
- design of mechanical structures
- basic material testing
- consulting service in strength and design of mechanical structures
- preparation and technical support
for approval applications
- other engineering services